Silly Animals!

all the silliness that fits a paw print

Silly Animals

The Secret Swim of Benny the Bear

In the whispering forest of Alderwood, under the crescent moon’s faint glow, an extraordinary event was unfolding. Benny, the ever-curious and cheerful bear cub, was crouched by the shimmering river, watching its glossy surface glint with mesmerizing ripples. The river, like a silver ribbon stretching through Alderwood, held secrets and melodies that called out to Benny. He was on a mission to teach himself how to swim.

Months prior, Benny had endured the loss of his mother, an event that left him feeling like a small lone star in a vast dark sky. Nevertheless, his heart brimmed with an undying zest for life, and he decided that he would conquer his fear of water to honor the adventurous spirit of his mother. Tonight, as the forest hushed around him, Benny took his first clumsy steps into the chill embrace of the river.

The water lapped eagerly at his coat as he waded deeper. With every splosh and splash, Benny attempted to mimic the graceful strokes he had witnessed in the movements of ducks and fishes. Yet, beneath the gentle moonlight, his pawing was less harmonic and more reminiscent of a juvenile dance. He was awkward, but laughter radiated from his very being, sending ripples across the water and joy into the air.

Benny was so immersed in this aquatic caper that he didn’t notice the pair of luminous eyes watching from the riverbank. The eyes belonged to Elara, a whimsical, loner otter who usually found solitude. She enjoyed observing the forest’s comical tableau from her secret perch amidst the reeds. Benny’s halting, joyous attempts piqued her interest, tugging at her heartstrings. With her sleek fur pelt shimmering in the moonlit air, Elara decided she’d found a worthy candidate for camaraderie.

Stealthily, but with intent, Elara slipped into the water. She swam closer to the beleaguered cub and with exceptional grace, circled him once or twice. Benny flailed momentarily, startled by her presence, but the friendly demeanor in Elara’s eyes calmed him. Together, they began an unspoken dance beneath the watchful gaze of the stars.

Their lessons became nightly rituals. Each night, Benny would meet his newfound friend by the river. Elara was a demanding but patient teacher. She tutored Benny in the art of undulating gracefully, of breathing at the right moments and moving with the rhythm of the current. Under her tutelage, Benny’s haphazard attempts transformed into smooth strides through the inviting water, his fear dissipating with each stroke.

A fortnight passed, and their friendship blossomed like the wildflowers adorning the riverbanks. Elara, who had once found the world an unsettling place, now found solace in Benny’s warm spirit. In turn, Benny, who had felt forlorn and wanderlust, discovered a sense of belonging with his aquatic friend. They celebrated their friendship with rollicking races upstream, playfully diving and surfacing like dancing phantoms in the moonlit river.

One particular night, as they rested on the riverbank, their bellies full of laughter, they witnessed a celestial spectacle—a meteor shower painting the night sky. It was a cascade of stardust and light, casting the forest and the river in surreal luminescence. Benny and Elara sat in awe, their eyes wide with excitement and wonder.

In that magical moment, Benny understood something profound; life was not just about learning to swim, but rather about embracing its unexpected currents, forging connections that make us stronger. Their friendship, serendipitous and beautiful, was a testament to the resilience found in loss and the joy discovered in new beginnings.

With the moon tilting back to sleep behind the horizon, Benny and Elara shared a contented silence, bathed in the afterglow of the meteor’s dance, knowing that they would never be alone again.