Silly Animals!

all the silliness that fits a paw print

new friends

The Mischievous Storm and the Peace it Brought

In a hidden forest nestled between towering mountains, there lived a mischievous young animal named Zuri. With a cheeky smile and a playful spirit, Zuri brought joy and laughter to all the creatures of the forest. Zuri was no ordinary…

The Curious Case of Coco the Lost Kangaroo

In the vast Australian outback, there lived a young kangaroo named Coco. One day, while hopping through the tall grass, Coco suddenly realized that she had lost sight of her mother. Panic set in as she hopped around frantically, calling…

The Lost Lamb’s Journey

In a lush meadow nestled amidst rolling hills, a misbehaving young lamb named Lily frolicked about. Lily had a penchant for wandering off and had earned a reputation for causing mischief among her fellow lambs. One sunny day, as Lily…

The Lost Cub and the Wandering Journey

Deep in the heart of the enchanted forest, there was a misbehaving young bear cub who didn’t know its name. This special cub had been a mischief-maker since it was born, always causing trouble for its mother and the other…

A Curious Creature’s Journey

In a distant land, there existed a peculiar creature named Zipp. Zipp was an extraordinary being, unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. With vibrant, shimmering feathers, a furry body, and glistening scales, Zipp was a marvelous combination of various…