Silly Animals!

all the silliness that fits a paw print


Dapple the Rabbit and the Enchanted Lake

In the heart of the Emerald Wood, a small rabbit named Dapple sat quietly under a willow tree, clutching his aching belly. The forest was alive with the symphony of chirping birds and rustling leaves, but Dapple could only focus…

Lost in the Wild

Deep in the heart of the wilderness, a small lion cub named Leo found himself lost and alone. Separated from his family, his eyes filled with tears as he realized he didn’t know how to navigate his way back home….

The Unbreakable Spirit

In a hidden corner of the forest, where the sunlight rarely trickled through the trees, there lived a sad young rabbit named Willow. Willow was different from the other rabbits. While they hopped and played, she sat alone, her heart…

The Whimsical Journey of a Troubled Tummy

In a lush meadow nestled between rolling hills, there lived a curious and mischievous young rabbit named Benjamin. Benjamin was known for his playful nature and insatiable appetite. One sunny morning, Benjamin wandered too far away from his burrow and…