Silly Animals!

all the silliness that fits a paw print

Silly Cat
Silly Animals

The Adventures of Silly Cat: Fish and Friends

In the kitchen, by the sea
Silly Cat dreams of fish and glee
The Southside docks, where seagulls squawk
And fisherman cast their nets and talk

Silly Cat

Silly Cat, with a purr and a grin
Hops on a boat, ready to begin
Their extraordinary adventure starts
As they go on a quest for fishy parts

As the boat rocks and rolls
Silly Cat’s whiskers tickle their nose
But they don’t stop, they have a goal
To find those fish and reach their soul

Underwater, they see a school
With flicks of tail and scales that glimmer like jewels
Silly Cat’s eyes light up with glee
As they swim with the fish, as free as can be

But danger looms, as a shark attacks
Silly Cat fearlessly fights back
With sharp claws they scratch and swipe
And the shark swims off, with barely a bite

On the shore, Silly Cat rests
With their belly full and fur well-dressed
But their adventure is far from done
As they explore land and have more fun

They meet seagulls and crabs and more
With each new friend, they see the shore
Through different eyes, with different sights
Silly Cat’s world is now full of delights

And as they watch the sun set and rise
Silly Cat’s heart swells with surprise
For in this world with challenges and joys
Their life is filled with endless toys

For Silly Cat, the adventure goes on
With fish to catch and friends to fawn
And as they meow their silly tune
They know their world will never be too soon.