Silly Animals!

all the silliness that fits a paw print

Silly Animals

The Curious Voyage of Kimbu the Unseen

In the shimmering canopy of the Everrealm Forest, under the whispered secrets of ancient oaks, lived a creature of uncharted origin named Kimbu. Unlike any animal, Kimbu possessed the exuberance of a puppy, the confidence of a lion, and the curiosity of a kitten. Kimbu had no memory of his parents, nor did any creature in the forest know what he was.

With a coat that shimmered like spun moonlight and eyes that glowed in the dark, Kimbu often felt like an enigma to himself. One sunny morning, driven by an earnest longing for connection, he decided to set out on a journey to make new friends.

His first encounter was with a group of chirping sparrows nestled in an oak tree. Kimbu, his tail swishing with excitement, bounded up to the nearest branch. The sparrows turned from their songs, eyes widening in fear at the sight of the luminous, peculiar being approaching them. They flew away in a flurry of feathers, leaving Kimbu heartbroken and alone once again.

Undeterred, he ambled further into the forest and came across a babbling brook, where he saw a family of beavers. They were busy constructing a new dam. Kimbu watched their teamwork with awe. Gathering his courage, he approached the largest of the beavers and offered to help. To his delight, they accepted his odd appearance with curious sniffs, and before long, Kimbu was working alongside them, feeling a sense of belonging.

As days turned into weeks, Kimbu became an integral part of the beaver family, learning their ways and participating in their endeavors. However, a looming shadow—quite literally—threatened their newfound harmony. An enormous, menacing serpent had slithered into the forest, its hunger insatiable and its gaze set on the beavers’ thriving habitat.

One night, under the silver glow of a crescent moon, Kimbu and the elder beaver, Barkley, gathered the community. They needed a plan to safeguard their home. Kimbu, filled with both fear and determination, suggested something unthinkable: confront the serpent directly. The idea was met with silence, and then hesitant agreement; desperate times called for desperate measures.

The next morning, Kimbu set out to find the serpent’s lair, a dark cavern shrouded in mist and mystery. With the delicate urgency of a young knight on a quest, he entered the cavern. The serpent sensed his arrival, its scales glittering ominously as it emerged from the shadows.

“Who dares to enter my domain?” it hissed. Kimbu, trembling but steadfast, stepped forward, his coat turning to a dazzling gold in the light of the cavern.

“I am Kimbu, protector of the Everrealm Forest. I ask you to leave the beavers in peace.”

To Kimbu’s surprise, the serpent sighed, lowering its menacing head. “I am Karkosi. I came here not just out of malice but because I am ancient and dying. I sought a place to end my days.” The serpent’s eyes, once filled with ferocity, now held a glimmer of sorrow.

Moved by Karkosi’s revelation, Kimbu thought quickly. “Come with me,” he proposed. “There is a tranquil meadow near the forest where you can stay. The beavers will help you if you promise to leave them be.”

Karkosi considered the offer, his tongue flicking contemplatively. “Very well,” he agreed at last.

Returning to the beavers with Karkosi, Kimbu’s heart swelled with pride. Initially terrified, the beavers began to understand their new visitor’s predicament. With compassion and unity, they helped Karkosi move to the peaceful meadow, where he could rest undisturbed.

With the threat averted and Karkosi settled, the bonds between Kimbu and the animal community grew stronger. The forest thrived with a new sense of solidarity, and Kimbu realized that despite his mysterious origins, he too had found a family and a home.

One night, under the constellation-laden sky, Kimbu lay gazing at the stars, his heart full. As he drifted into a peaceful slumber, he couldn’t help but think that sometimes, the most exceptional beings and situations arise from the least expected sources, and in solving mutual problems, one discovers the true essence of friendship.