Silly Animals!

all the silliness that fits a paw print

Silly Animals

The Silly Scribbles of Sticky the Bunny

In a land not so far away, there lived a silly young bunny named Sticky. Sticky was known for getting himself into all sorts of trouble, and today was no different. One sunny morning, while exploring a colorful meadow, Sticky came across a patch of bright red berries. Being the curious bunny that he was, Sticky couldn’t resist the temptation and gobbled up the berries, unaware of the consequences that lay ahead.

As the day went on, Sticky’s tummy began to rumble and churn. Oh, how it hurt! Sticky hopped around, clutching his tummy in complete misery. In search of relief, Sticky hopped and hopped until he found himself at the edge of a small pond. Not thinking twice, Sticky decided to make this his new home, hoping the cool water would ease his tummy ache.

As Sticky settled in, he noticed something peculiar. The pond was not an ordinary pond, but a magical one. It was home to a group of exceptional beings known as the Scribbles. These creatures were made entirely of neon-colored ink and possessed the power to bring drawings to life. Sticky’s new home was about to become a whirlwind of adventure.

As Sticky sat by the pond, his ears twitched with excitement. He watched as the Scribbles skated across the water, leaving behind vibrant trails of ink. Suddenly, an idea popped into Sticky’s fuzzy head. If the Scribbles could make drawings come alive, maybe they could help him too!

With hopeful eyes, Sticky approached the Scribbles and explained his tummy ache. The Scribbles listened intently, their ink forming a sympathetic smile. They then sprang into action, drawing a magnificent strawberry plant beside Sticky. The plant grew with incredible speed, producing the juiciest and ripest strawberries. Sticky hesitated for a second, wary of eating more berries after his previous mishap. But the sweet scent was too tempting.

With a gulp, Sticky devoured the strawberry. And just like magic, his tummy ache vanished! Sticky hopped around in pure delight, thanking the Scribbles for their incredible gift. But the adventure was far from over.

The Scribbles led Sticky to a hidden garden nestled behind a curtain of sparkling flowers. There, Sticky discovered a humongous carrot, glowing and shimmering with an enchanting aura. And just like the strawberry plant, Sticky couldn’t resist the temptation. He took a bite of the carrot, only to find himself growing and growing until he was as tall as a tree.

Feeling quite silly towering over the garden, Sticky started to panic. But the Scribbles were quick to react. They began to dance around Sticky, drawing vines around his towering bunny form. The vines twisted and turned, wrapping around Sticky’s body in a beautiful pattern. Slowly but surely, Sticky’s growth reversed, and he returned to his normal size.

With his tummy ache cured and his size restored, Sticky said his heartfelt goodbyes to the Scribbles. They waved goodbye, their ink creating a colorful farewell in the air. As Sticky hopped away from the magical pond-turned-home, he couldn’t help but feel grateful for the incredible adventure and the friends he had made.